21 Questions with Samantha Andrews

Samantha Andrews is the Experiential Learning Educator for the Frist Center for the Visual Arts in Nashville Tennessee. She currently lives in Nashville with her photographer husband, Matt Andrews (www.mattandrewsphoto.com), her daughter Sophia, Moonshine the cat and...

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The Cautions of Wallpaper Murals

If there is one certainty in themed environments, it is the need for wall coverings. Since starting Imagination Atmospheres in 2004, I have yet to work with a theming client who did not want the walls of their space changed in some way. Murals are a large part of what...

The #1 Mistake in Kids Church Designing

A Word to “Super Pastor!” First of all, let me say up front that I’m not a children’s pastor. In fact, I’m no pastor at all. I’m an artist. I design environments for kids. In doing so, I’ve gotten the opportunity to see a lot...

Jonah Kids Mural

One of the challenges of creating many versions of Jonah and the Fish murals is trying to come up with an idea that is fresh and new. At Imagination Atmospheres we don’t copy other artist’s work and we don’t even like copying our own work. It would...